About Us
Flourish In Color's coaching transcends the typical motivational-goals-checklist-accountability methods that are common in a traditional life coaching sessions. Our approach to Life and Wellness Coaching takes into account the whole-person by focusing on and aligning the mind, body, and spirit using powerful, evidence-based coaching methods that are infused with practical psychology.
Many of us set goals in different areas of our lives and are unable to achieve them, even when working within a traditional coaching setting, because the work goes a lot deeper. We work through 5-pillars of whole-person transformation to help our clients become the best version of themselves and achieve optimal wellness that shifts the mindset, and changes the trajectory of their lives.
What We Offer

Life Coaching
Powerful Life Coaching using proven techniques to achieve life-changing transformation.
Health & Wellness
A holistic wellness approach to heal and optimize the whole-person and thrive in mind, body, and spirit.
Coach Training & Mentoring
Through our training and mentoring you will realize self-actualization, accomplish goals, achieve success, and have the life that you desire.
Book Your Session
We are conveniently located in Frisco, TX inside CareOne Medical Clinic. Book your confidential session today!
Meet us online from anywhere! We offer convenient, HIPAA compliant, secure online appointments.
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You draw into your life the reflection of who you are. Change and transformation can only happen through first, self-reflection which heightens your awareness to the patterns, behaviors, and circumstances that are impacting your life.
When you sign up for my newsletter, monthly, you will receive my best life coaching tips, resources, and exciting upcoming news. Along with your subscription you will receive a free copy of my ebook/workbook, Self-Reflection to Transformation sent straight to your inbox.
Hi, I'm Ke'ren

There is something so powerful that is happening right now. It's not by chance that you are here - you know that deep down inside there is more.
Your soul is searching for a deeper meaning to life, you want better for yourself, you have questions that you need answered, you're in transition and it doesn't feel good, you've been through a lot, you're stuck, lost, and not sure where to go from here.
I know this because I've been there. I've been exactly where you are. The beautiful thing about it is that it's not too late - you can begin right here - heal, grow, and create the life that you want. It's finally time to give yourself permission to do what is and feels right for you in this very moment and in every moment.
The fact that you are reading this right now is not by accident, it means that you need to take action.
Hi, I'm Ke'ren Fromayan. Founder and CEO, a Master Life Coach, NLP Practitioner, and I've helped my clients break the cycles of their past, learn or rediscover their identity, and rewrite their stories. I am on a mission to continue to help individuals change their lives. I want to be the person for you that I needed through some of the hardest times in my life.
Our Clients
Adults (18+)
Teens (13-17 years)
Our clients may be dealing with one or a combination of the following:
Experiencing significant life changes
Millennials who feel stuck
Single mothers going through life transitions and challenges
Creatives & Artists struggling with creative blocks
Introverts working through social anxiety and mental blocks
Wives ready to reestablish individuality & self-care through the dynamics of family & marriage
Divorced and ready to discover what's next
Singles: what to do while you're single and how to prepare for a relationship
Have life and/or business goals that they're ready to attain
Struggling with lack of confidence and self-worth
Want to focus on health, inner healing, and losing weight

What to Expect
Life Coaching is a process of growth and self-discovery. ​
During our time together, we will get to know each other. I will ask you hard questions to get to the root of the issue, and core of who you are. You will get to know yourself in ways that will excite you. You will also begin to form an understanding of your past, your purpose, and experience freedom like never before.
In our sessions, we will also cover:
Limiting self-beliefs
Release techniques to foster healing
Mental and physical health
Emotional regulation to increase EQ
Mindset transformation
Healthy self-expression
Confidence, self-care, acceptance, and self-love
Wellness assessment
Remove internal blocks
Time management, routines / structure
Short and long term goals
Desires and purpose
Deprogram irrational thinking
Relationships and dating
How We Help
Your mindset is at the root of your patterns and creating the life that you truly desire. You can't change your external reality without first focusing on your inner reality. Throughout your coaching sessions, we will focus heavily on bringing the whole-person into alignment to heal and gain clarity on your path forward.
When you are out of alignment you may experience:
We use various modalities at different stages in the coaching process to help work through limiting beliefs, trauma, stress, and to gauge an understanding of your conscious and subconscious mind. Where/when necessary, some of these modalities may include:
Unstable emotions
Anxiety / depression
Unhealthy behaviors
Physical health issues
Persistent feelings of unhappiness
Lack of motivation or zeal for life
Low self-worth
Goal Setting & Visualization Techniques
Effective goal setting and ignite your reticular activity system to achieve what you desire in life.
Emotional Freedom Technique to help with managing anxiety and emotional distress.
Inner Child Work
Work through to heal unresolved trauma and experiences from childhood.
The Benefits
Most of us have created our own reality, our views and perceptions of the world and ourselves that are shaped by our past and current circumstances. Therefore, you may find yourself limited by your reality and my job is to help you dream bigger, undo your conscious or subconscious wiring, get out of your own way and live fully, authentically, and unapologetically. There are some great, lasting benefits by working with a Flourish In Color coach.
Create A Vision
Change How You Show Up
Clarity & Focus
Get to Healing
New Mindset & Identity
Here are 10 ways to know that you are ready to work with a Life Coach.
You're either burned out or resentful of your current situation.
Self-comparison is becoming a burden.
Your inner-critic needs a reality check.
Procrastination has become a way of life and you're finally ready to overcome it.
You believe that life is happening to you instead of for you.
You think money is your problem.
You know there's more to life!
You have this vision of your potential-self and the life you want to have but you get overwhelmed with where to start.
You have all of these pressing ideas about things you want to accomplish but reality sets in and you feel symptoms of depression.
You here...on this website.